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职 称 : 讲师


学科方向 : 油气井工程

研究方向 :钻井液化学井壁稳定理论与技术、非常规油气钻完井液技术、新型钻井液处理剂研发

电子邮箱 :xujiangen0@163.com



等方面的研究工作。先后主持和参与国家自然科学基金、重庆市自然科学基金、重庆市教委科技研究计划以及三大石油公司等科研项目20余项;在国内外刊物和会议发表论文30余篇,其中SCI和EI论文10余篇。受邀担任《Fuel》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》、《Applied Surface Science》、《Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering》、《Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering》、《Petroleum Science》、《Applied Clay Science》、《Journal of Molecular Liquids》、《Energy & Fuels》等著名学术期刊审稿人。指导学生立项国家级、校级大学生科技创新训练计划项目7项。








● 重庆市科学技术局,面上项目,页岩气地层水基钻井液专用热致形状记忆智能封堵剂研制及作用机理,(2020-2023),主持

● 重庆市教委,青年项目,封堵与抑制协同作用的微纳米页岩稳定剂制备及其作用机理,(2020-2023),主持

● 横向课题,油气藏型储气库全生命周期安全评估体系研究,(2022-2024),主持

● 横向课题,钻井液多重光散射测试,(2023),主持

● 横向课题,智能化钻井工程设计辅助软件开发,(2022-2023),主持

● 横向课题,高效环保润滑剂微观性能测定,(2022),主持

● 横向课题,西南地区陆相致密气成藏地球化学分析研究,(2022),主持

● 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目,具有温度“开关”效应的环保型钻井液封堵剂研制及其作用机理, (2020- 2023),骨干

● 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年项目,基于相变蓄冷原理的天然气水合物钻探钻井液智能控温微胶囊研究, (2019- 2021),骨干


● 重庆市教育科学规划课题,青年项目,《石油工程岩石力学》课程思政教学体系构建与实践研究,(2023-2025),主持

● 校级本科教育教学改革研究项目,新工科背景下《石油工程岩石力学》课程教学融合思政教育的改革与实践,(2022-2024),主持


Xu J, Su K, Li M, et al. Hydration inhibition and physical plugging to enhance shale stability using zwitterionic polymer/nano-silica composite[J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2023, 387: 122642. (SCI二区)

Xu J, Luo T, Wang J, et al. Investigation of alcohol-based deep eutectic solvents for inhibiting hydration in shale formations[J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2023,392: 123551.(SCI二区)

Xu J, Qiu Z, Huang W, et al. Preparation and performance properties of polymer latex SDNL in water-based drilling fluids for drilling troublesome shale formations[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2017, 37: 462-470.(SCI二区)

Xu J, Qiu Z, Zhao X, et al. Hydrophobic modified polymer based silica nanocomposite for improving shale stability in water-based drilling fluids[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2017, 153: 325-330.(SCI二区)

Xu J, Qiu Z, Zhao X, et al. Synthesis and characterization of shale stabilizer based on polyethylene glycol grafted nano-silica composite in water-based drilling fluids[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2018, 163: 371-377. (SCI二区)

Xu J, Qiu Z, Zhao X, et al. Study of 1-Octyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide for inhibiting shale hydration and dispersion[J]. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2019, 177: 208-214.(SCI二区)

Xu J, Qiu Z, Zhao X, et al. Application of Nano‐Polymer Emulsion for Inhibiting Shale Self‐Imbibition in Water‐Based Drilling Fluids[J]. Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 2018, 21(1): 155-164. (SCI)

Xu J, Qiu Z, Zhao X, et al. A polymer microsphere emulsion as a high-performance shale stabilizer for water-based drilling fluids[J]. RSC Advances, 2018, 8(37): 20852-20861. (SCI)

● Qiu Z, Xu J, Yang P, et al. Effect of Amphiphilic Polymer/Nano-Silica Composite on Shale Stability for Water-Based Muds[J]. Applied Sciences, 2018, 8(10): 1839.(SCI)

Xu J, Qiu Z, Chen G, et al. A novel nano-sized polymer microsphere as a potential shale stabilizer in water-based drilling fluids[C]. Materials for Oil and Gas-TechConnect Briefs 2017.(EI)

